Sin City Sportbikes Official Website | Las Vegas Motorcycle Riders Forum

Full Version: Interested in joining SCS? Wondering who we are and what we are about? GET IN HERE!!!
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Mission statement -

"Sin City Sportbikes was founded by Las Vegas sport bike enthusiasts in response to a desire to promote a positive and safe image of the sport. Riders and enthusiasts from all over the Las Vegas Valley have joined together in an effort to give back to a community that has helped and nurtured us. "

-Sin City Sportbikes


Anyone can join SCS, but, SCS is not for everyone! If you are interested in becoming a member we ask that you come out and hangout with us. Come to some of the two wheel tuesdays, our red rock rides, basically come find out if this is in fact the group of people you would like to ride with/be a part of. Not everyone has the same views and outlooks as SCS and we ask that you learn a little about us before jumping in. This gives SCS and you the ability to find out exactly what each other are about and if this club is for you.

SCS is based on making friendships first and foremost. There is no need to jump into a group of people that you really just dont know! It takes time to create bonds and friendships and we believe this is a crucial point in creating a friendly club environment. Another thing we like to mention is that in the world of the motorcycle community there are different types of clubs. There is the "MC" community which is a group of riders you will see on cruisers, sportbikes and other types of 2 wheeled vehicles, much like us. The "MC" patches will state their locations or set that they claim. These guys are great, they support awesome causes and each other, but, they also live by a different set of rules/laws.

Others groups or clubs known as social or riding groups best describes us. We are a patched motorcycle club, but we do not claim a set and therefore do not need to abide by the stricter laws and regulations of the "MC" community. We do in all forms, respect their rules, regulations and processes of being a patched club. We support one another in the bigger picture, but some people are looking for the "MC" environment, which we proudly stand to the side of in doing our own part for the community. Here we concentrate on having fun, riding, bettering our selves and giving back to the community.

SCS is a safety oriented club that focuses on improving our skills and becoming not only safer but faster riders. We believe that protecting yourself from the unforeseen not only helps your chances of survival but also in the event of a minor mishap, you may be able to get right back up on your bike and keep on riding. Where in the event of riding in a tshirt, sandals, etc, you would probably not come out too well. Some of us have crashed in this club, be it on the track, in the canyons or getting hit by drivers not paying attention, we all know the importance of proper gear FIRST HAND.

Eventually we may invite you to some of our more private functions/rides if we think you may be what we are looking for! If you still think that SCS is something you would like to be a part of let us know that you would like to prospect. We will then announce that you would like to prospect at one of our meetings in which you will stand up and tell us why you think this club is for you and what you can do for the club. Once a prospect we expect full support, communication and dedication from you. When the club believes you are ready, we will then hold a meeting to vote you in as a patched member.

I hope this answers some of the questions you have about our club! If you have any other questions, comments or complaints, do not hesitate to contact any one of the officers!

-Sin City Sportbikes

2012-17 Officers:
ars0n - Pres.
Tomy - Vice Pres.
Falcon - Treasurer
Push - Secretary
Ken - "No Neck" - Srg at Arms
Reference URL's