06-29-2015, 02:13 AM
06-29-2015, 06:18 AM
whats it doing?
- Justin
- Justin
06-29-2015, 08:21 AM
Make sure the diaphragm's aren't getting pinched by the carb caps. This is a common problem when reinstalling the needles, if the are pinched the needles can't seat properly. Other than that the butterflies should all be aligned exact. If those were moved in any way during rebuild, the you have to adjust them back and re sync the carbs
06-29-2015, 10:45 AM
I don't have power like i used to. Its burning really rich.It's losing power when rpms get to high then back fires when it regains the power. Normally i have to down shift a gear or two for it to regain power.
The rpms go to zero when i lose power.
I don't no enough about bikes that's why I'm posting on here for help.
The rpms go to zero when i lose power.
I don't no enough about bikes that's why I'm posting on here for help.
06-29-2015, 11:25 AM
(06-29-2015 10:45 AM)suzukigxrboi Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have power like i used to. Its burning really rich.It's losing power when rpms get to high then back fires when it regains the power. Normally i have to down shift a gear or two for it to regain power.
The rpms go to zero when i lose power.
I don't no enough about bikes that's why I'm posting on here for help.
What do you mean the RPMs drop to zero when it looses power? like the gauge goes dead? or the motor stops? I assume you mean the needle on the tach drops.
If that is the case, it could very well be a bad coil, bad coil pickups, bad ECU, or even if the carbs are WAY out of whack, perhaps fouling plugs - but that is not terribly likely. The tach signal would come from the ECU directly, so even a fouled, non-firing plug condition would still let the tach function as the ECU should be sending the signal. Now a failing coil may be shorting that signal, causing it to not register on the tach.
Does the needle, if this is what you are talking about, just suddenly drop to zero or does it bounce or hesitate to drop to zero?
- Justin
06-29-2015, 11:28 AM
It just drops. Sometimes when I'm at a high rate of speed or sometimes when I'm throttling hard trying to get up to a high rate of speed. Mainly if I'm over 9k rpms
Yes it's just the needle. Then if i down shift and pop clutch a few timesit catches and will regain power.
Yes it's just the needle. Then if i down shift and pop clutch a few timesit catches and will regain power.
06-29-2015, 11:29 AM
shoot me a text, 702-904-0809 and I will see how I can help, Need lots more info on conditions before and after the problem so that I can help you sort it. Who did the work on your bike? What condition warranted the carbs being work on in the first place?
- Justin
- Justin
06-29-2015, 11:33 AM
I don't recall specifically, but I think your bike is equipped with a throttle position sensor on the carb rack. This could also be the suspect if it was removed and not installed (aligned) correctly or possibly damaged during removal or re-installation. This will cause the ECU to essentially fight with the coil pickups as that signal will not align with what the TPS sensor should be telling it and could cause a failure timing so far off that the bike is basically pulling all kinds of timing to try and compensate or get things back to where they should be. The bike does not have any kinds of emissions control sensors to determine proper fuel mixture so it is working off of the crank sensors and TPS, and possibly, if equipped, intake air temp sensor.
- Justin
- Justin
06-29-2015, 01:23 PM
Have you checked the carbs for gremlins?